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Northwest Career and Technical Academy (NWCTA)
A nine-month magnet school in the Clark County School District (CCSD), Northwest Career and Technical Academy (NWCTA) fir first opened only to freshmen and sophomores for the 2007–08 school year. NWCTA now offers 10 program areas in dedicated sections of the school, and each program has an assigned glass-walled “project room.” The programs give students access to unique facilities, such as a TV studio for Media Communications, a garage for Transportation Technology, a workshop for Construction Management, a kitchen for the Culinary Arts and a real kindergarten for Early Childhood and Teacher Education students. When constructed, the building received the international annual design award of the Council of Educational Facilities Planners International for 2008 and the James D. MacConnell Award for outstanding new educational facilities.
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Education, Colleges, Universities, Northwest Career and Technical Academy, NWCTA, LV00730